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Masculin Nombre de messages : 85
Age : 31
Localisation : riki
Msn : benoit_9292@hotmail.com
Équipe(s) Préférée(s) : ...
Date d'inscription : 01/12/2007

match - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: match   match - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu Déc 13 2007, 13:47

Buffalo Sabres 3 , Washington Capitals 2
Shots: 23 - 24
match - Page 2 963406 PP: 0 of 2 (4 shots), Passing:51/71=71 %, Challenges:28/47=58 %
match - Page 2 906267 PP: 1 of 3 (4 shots), Passing:69/83=83 %, Challenges:43/65=65 %
Attendance: 15214 of 18595 (HSBC Arena)
Ticket income: 715058 Match televised: No

Boxscore for the game:
no scoring
27:35 0-1 match - Page 2 906267 Ryan Getzlaf [5] (Michael Nylander, Olaf Kölzig)PP
30:31 1-1 match - Page 2 963406 Maxim Afinogenov [5] (Tim Connolly, Dmitri Kalinin)
32:19 1-2 match - Page 2 906267 Mike Sillinger [4] (Chad Kilger, David Legwand)
34:54 2-2 match - Page 2 963406 Brian Campbell [2] (Maxim Afinogenov, Jochen Hecht)
38:16 3-2 match - Page 2 963406 Jochen Hecht [8] (Clarke MacArthur, Drew Stafford)
no scoring
Three stars of the game:
1st star: Maxim Afinogenov
2nd star: Jochen Hecht
3rd star: Brian Campbell
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 85
Age : 31
Localisation : riki
Msn : benoit_9292@hotmail.com
Équipe(s) Préférée(s) : ...
Date d'inscription : 01/12/2007

match - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: match   match - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu Déc 13 2007, 13:47

Edmonton Oilers 4 , Washington Capitals 2
Shots: 33 - 24
match - Page 2 221151 PP: 0 of 1 (4 shots), Passing:58/73=79 %, Challenges:43/53=79 %
match - Page 2 906267 PP: 0 of 4 (7 shots), Passing:66/72=91 %, Challenges:32/51=61 %
Attendance: 17100 of 17100 (Skyreach Center)
Ticket income: 449730 Match televised: No

Boxscore for the game:
08:41 1-0 match - Page 2 221151 Dick Tärnström [4] (Matt Greene, Jarret Stoll)
28:43 1-1 match - Page 2 906267 Ryan Getzlaf [6] (Viktor Kozlov, Jeff O'Neill)
36:46 1-2 match - Page 2 906267 Chad Kilger [10] (Jeff O'Neill, Greg de Vries)
46:06 2-2 match - Page 2 221151 Jarret Stoll [15] (Raffi Torres, Fernando Pisani)
47:02 3-2 match - Page 2 221151 Robbie Schremp [3] (Geoff Sanderson, Dwayne Roloson)
59:26 4-2 match - Page 2 221151 Shawn Horcoff [6] (Joni Pitkänen, Steve Staios) EN
Three stars of the game:
1st star: Jarret Stoll
2nd star: Fernando Pisani
3rd star: Shawn Horcoff
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